Scrolling Notification

When I get time, I listen to music, or read books. If any is left, I blog!

Saturday 15 September 2012

Rights Reserved!

This isn't about El Dorado the legendary treasure chest or Neverland the eternal dream world, but a hangout where you can 'get and get away' with anything! There are no responsibilities here, only a steamy prospect of seductive rights: Right to rant, rattle and ravage! Right to cuts, commissions and grafts! Right to yawn and snooze, and watch porn when awake! Here, it pays to be brazen, devious and unruly!

Stepping into this hallowed portal with a solemn pledge to be faithful and loyal are the modern day carpetbaggers. What greets them is the tantalizing aroma of 'grease and gravy'. A 'cash in' on this dish seems the best way to stay afloat, and crawl back after the current term. Promises and principles can wait!

Naturally, as the self-indulgence hots up to breed scam after scam, the clamour for resignation grows. The initial reaction is: 'Why should I resign? I haven't done anything wrong'. Then comes a perplexing 'political conspiracy' theory, followed by a 'pregnant' assertion: 'I am an obedient worker. I will abide by what my party decides'! Panic stricken, the party twiddles: 'Innocent until proven guilty'! The cue is evident: 'Be patient. Public memory is short'!

The game is played to perfection, from leisurely dribbling and changing goal posts to an eventual washout. And the ball keeps rolling: 'I am ready to resign, but do I have the right to do so?'

Dwight David Eisenhower a former President of the United States hit the nail on its head when he said:
"This desk is one at which a man may die, 
but from which he will never resign!"